Whether you’re starting, relocating or expanding your business, the Northeast PREP region provides a dynamic and rapidly expanding economic climate.
Our Northeast PREP partners can serve as a tremendous resource in helping you start or relocate your business by providing expert help with such vital steps as:
Preparing to Start a Business
Legally Establishing Your Business
Financing Your Business
Choosing the Ideal Location
Managing and Growing Your Business
Tax Credits and Incentives
Important Small Business Resources
For guidance to start a business your first stop should be:
With a gross domestic product of more than $600 billion, Pennsylvania is the twentieth largest economy in the world.
Of course, choosing the right location for your company often depends on the nature of your business. Is a main street storefront your ideal? Do you need office space? Does your company need storage or refrigerated space for housing inventory? Do you need to be near a targeted customer base or convenient transportation options? Can your business operate mainly as a web presence without the need for traditional physical presence?
The business experts and partner agencies of Northeast PREP can offer you valuable site assistance for your new, expanding or relocating business, including information on reduced taxes gained from locating in Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZ) and Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (LERTA) sites.
Location Resources:
Before expanding or starting a new business you must fully present your company’s true startup and operating costs as well as your cash flow needs.
The experts of the Northeast PREP region are here to help match your company’s capital needs with available resources and how to secure financing. We can lead you in the right direction when it comes to financing your startup or expanding business – from bank and low interest government loans to state grants, tax credits and other incentives.
Businesses throughout the Northeast PREP region benefit from convenient access to a dynamic, nationally ranked workforce that’s renown for its range of skills, dependability and unrivaled work ethic.
Our business experts can put you in touch with a wealth of agencies, resources and workforce data that can help you match your business needs with ideal employee candidates that can help your company grow and prosper.
Contact us for references to the most appropriate participating agency to assist you.
Pennsylvania also offers an extensive range of customized job training programs designed to match employee skills sets with employer needs.
A collaborative partnership of community colleges, state system universities and other educational institutions are working together through state initiatives to make sure PA’s workforce continues to evolve and keep pace with the demands of today’s global, technologically advanced economy.
At Northeast PREP, we can help your business find the training programs and available financial resources for your new and existing employees that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your workforce.
Northeast PREP is committed to helping you expand, establish, and even locate your business in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Northeast PREP is committed to make sure you have the resources available for long-term growth and success.
We can help you take advantage of public and private resources, including federal, state, regional and local programs that can help you secure sources of expansion and start up funding, tax credits and more.
Visit our Core Partners web sites or Contact Northeast PREP if you need help finding the right partner to assist you with launching your business, finding the best location, financing your business, your workforce and training needs, or growing your business.